
Language Training for Work

Oriented to professional development and the attainment of specific work targets.

  • arrow Regular language programs for business, aligned with specific needs
  • arrow Progress measurement with international standards (European Common Framework)
  • arrow Classroom, virtual or blended (tutoring + e-learning) lessons, according to learning needs and profile
  • Contact us to learn more

Programs oriented to professional development

The goal of the training programs is to reach functional bilingualism: using a second language effectively in key professional tasks:

  • Making a presentation
  • Participating actively and efficiently in meetings
  • Preparing a report and showing results
  • Developing commercial skills to achieve the desired results in a negotiation or sale
  • Any business-related critical task

What are the stages of the training programs?


Tell us about your language challenges and we’ll help you reach your goal through an effective, personalized, measurable and achievable plan.
